
Internal regulations


  1. The Library è open to the public every day from Monday on Saturdays from 8.30 to 13.00.
    The Director arranges the closure to the public for days. 15 between 10 and 31 August for revision, rearrangement and dusting.
    The opening and closing are normally carried out by the Director or by one of the two employees of the Community monastic, guaranteeing the maximum safety of the premises and of the patrimony kept in them.
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  2. Any interruption or reduction of the service to the public will occur; date immediate communication to the Ministry for Goods and Activities; Cultural and to users.


  1. The user can access the catalogs or any type of consultation after completing the entry card.
    The age minimum for admission to the Library is sixteen years old.
  2. Before accessing the consultation room the user is required to deposit bags, briefcases and other objects at the entrance, in special lockers; moreover he must comply with the rules governing the use of public places, paying particular attention not to damage the assets of the institute, not to write or make marks on books or documents, not to disturb the activities of study and work. No smoking in the premises of the Library.


  1. The book or documentary material to be consulted must be requested by filling in a form provided by the Library.
  2. The user can ask to read up to three (3) texts, once the consultation of which is completed, you can; request others.
  3. It is it is forbidden to consult documents that are not in a good state of conservation.
  4. The manuscript material, rare and valuable, is; given for reading only to users who have completed the eighteenth (18 °) year of age, after careful evaluation of the applicant's motivations and always in the presence of a Library assistant. At the time of the request, the user must deliver an identification document that will come to him / her; returned at the end of the consultation. Of this material è You can make one request at a time. If the Library has a reproduction of said material requested for reading, this is given for reading in place of the original.
  5. It is the public is allowed access to the magazine display room and the reading room, where the filing cabinets are also located. Therefore, access to the other rooms and warehouses is prohibited.
  6. The material received for reading may, at the request of the user, be kept in deposit for no longer; two consecutive days.

Reproduction service

  1. It is It is possible to request photocopies of bibliographic material published since the year 1900, with the limitations required to guarantee integrity; of the works and in compliance with current legislation on copyright. For bibliographic material before 1900 and for that after 1900 which is not appropriate to photocopy due to the state of conservation, digital photoreproduction can be used, the service of which, however, is temporarily suspended.
    It is explicit permission of the Director is required for reproductions from rare and valuable texts. For the reproduction of memorabilia the request will be; addressed to the competent Ministry, accompanied by the opinion of the Director.
  2. The applicant, at the time of the request for reproductions of manuscripts, must declare whether the reproduced material will be; used for study or editorial purposes and must also undertake to assign to the Library a copy of the study or publication it intends to produce.
  3. For reproductions for editorial purposes and for film and television shooting, the rules provided for by law 14 January 1993, n. 4 and related regulations and tariffs.

Loan service

  1. The direct loan admitted pursuant to D.P.R. 417/95.
    It is Manuscript, ancient, periodical, miscellaneous material bound in volumes, for general consultation, including dictionaries and encyclopedias, are excluded from direct lending.
  2. The maximum duration of the loan is; thirty days.
  3. The user, in possession of a loan card, è required to notify the Library of any changes in residence or domicile.
  4. It is a register of purchase proposals is available to users.


  1. The user who does not return the book borrowed, or damages it, or lends it to others, is; subject to the sanctions provided for by article 58 of the Regulations, laying down rules on State Public Libraries (Presidential Decree 5 July n. 417).